Sunday, March 26, 2006

My Addiction

I am completely addicted to silly personality quizzes. I joined a dating site a few months ago to get full access to their "10,000+ User Tests" - and I'm enjoying it immensely. Besides, as several of my friends have pointed out, it's been a while between slow dances.

My favorite quiz sites are:
1. OkCupid (
The dating site with thousands of tests. And a lot of very interesting people. The place where I discovered that I can tell real breasts from fake 19 times out of 20. Check out my profile. (

2. Tickle (
The first place I found to take user tests. I've been on there for a couple of years, and have taken some fun tests, and the occasional thought-provoking one. If I remember correctly, you do have to join to take the tests :( and there are options to spend money on more elaborate results, but I've been content with the free stuff.
Take this test at Tickle

You're a Muse!

What's Your Goddess Identity?

Brought to you by Tickle

3. Sarcasmo's Corner
Not strictly a quiz site, Sarcasmo is another blogger who loves quizzes, and usually links to a new one every Monday.

4. Quizilla (
Lots of cool quizzes, not so fond of the organization...

Which Decadent Work Are You?

You are Bram Stoker's "Dracula"! You are seductive, mysterious, free from conventional moral boundaries. You can be cunning and are irresistable to members of both sexes. You are the last of a glorious people from bygone days, and you nearly always get what you want.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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5. YouThink
Some fun stuff, some lame stuff...
Which M*A*S*H character are you?

Trapper MacIntyre

You are married but still troll for nurses and get quite lucky if you ask me. The worst poker player in the camp, its a surprise that you have any money at all. Also a top flight surgeon, you and Hawkeye are the best of friends, but that friendship was cut short when you got your orders to go home.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

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